With just 26 letters, this sentence has the power to transform your life.
I stumbled upon this gem on YouTube Shorts and couldn’t resist sharing it with the world through my blog. I make it a point to read it every single day, no matter how busy or emotional I may be feeling. It brings me joy and helps me stay grounded.
A — Avoid negative sources, people-places-things and bad habits.
B — Believe in yourself: Have faith in your abilities and trust in your own potential.
C — Consider things from every angle.
D — Don’t give up! Don’t give in! and Don’t let a damn thing get you down!
E — Enjoy life today. Yesterday is gone! and Tomorrow will never come.
F — Family and Friends are hidden treasures talk to them and enjoy their riches.
G — Give more than you plan to give each day.
H — Hang on to your dream.
I — Ignore the bullshit.
J — Just do it.
K — Keep on trying no matter how hard it may seem it will get easier.
L — Love yourself first and most and Love God always.
M — Make it happen.
N — Never let them see you sweat.
O — Open your eyes and see everything around you.
P — Practice makes perfect.
Q — Quitters never win and Winners never quit.
R — Read-learn-study and everything important in your life.
S — Stop procrastinating.
T — Take control of your own Destiny.
U — Understand yourself first so that you can better understand others.
V — Visualize it.
W — Want it more than anything.
X — You already marked your spot in the world.
Y — You’re unique of all God’s creation and no one can replace you.
Z — Zero in on your target and GO FOR IT!
For a more in-depth look at this topic, check out the full version of the blog.